Friday, October 16, 2009

micheal Lohan My daughter is a mess.

Micheal Lohan,states he is not pleased with the results of his daughter, actress, Lindsay Lohan . This morning she had appeared in court reports a source Micheal Lohan had reportedly appeared on Maury show this morning when micheal claimed "There's is nothing left of her,” Michael is known for running his mouth at times. But, the truth is this time we all should believe him. Lindsay looks like a hot mess and she is not taking good care of herself like she should . The child appears to be messed up from whatever reports a source Michael stated that he spoke with the judge following his daughters hearing, and he told radaronline “I’ve just gotten off the phone with the judge and I’m not happy. "She the (judge) needs to put my daughter in rehab. I don’t see how a judge can just let her walk in /out of the court room looking a mess. Lindsay needs to have a drug test done . The Judge should have her tested before showing up in court today. If results were positive ,she should go straight to rehab .Lindsay looks awful with blood shot eyes and looks so disheveled and strung out. Maybe we didn’t let Lindsay get enough sleep this morning. Somebody set her alarm clock to early. Now, micheal why don’t you do something about your daughter this time . Be a dad and help your daughter, this will show people what a super dad you really are . So ,micheal this is your time to be the star in Lindsay’s life. !

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