Thursday, February 25, 2010

Killer Whale Kills Trainer

I never been to sea world but heard it is very beautiful there. I once wanted to become a Marine Biologist but never followed my dream. Now as I see it this young woman loved her job and had some many years 16 to be exact that she was killed by the mammal that she loved so much. Killer Whales do tend to show their aggressive behavior at times. When, you never know when they will flip on you. I am sure that Dawn Brancheau didn’t see this coming. It is reported that the whale pulled her underwater by her long ponytail, authorities say. Dawn was recovered from the whale by Sea World staff. Reports are as follow that the animal was coaxed into a smaller pool and lifted out of the water by a large scale. Our condolences go out to her family and friends and staff at Sea World.

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